Run fun scavenger hunt contests where entrants have to solve clues to find secret codes and unlock contest entries.
Run fun scavenger hunt contests where entrants have to solve clues to find secret codes and unlock contest entries.
Virtual Scavenger Hunts allow contestants to engage with your brand by solving riddles or quizzes. You can spread clues across multiple social media channels, pages, and even partner with other brands to promote brand awareness and discoverability.
Some benefits and use cases for this template:
Use the Secret Code action to award entries to contestants when they solve your challenge.
The first thing to do when using this template is set up some clues for your contestants.
You can insert a button in the Entry Instructions to let contestants know where they need to go to solve the challenge.
Buttons can be added using the WYSIWYG editor.
To help contestants enter the secret code correctly, you can enter a placeholder to hint at how the code should look like.
Run fun scavenger hunt contests where entrants have to solve clues to find secret codes and unlock contest entries.