New Import Source for Galleries / Minimum Age Field Improvements for Competitions & Rewards

You can now import Stories into Galleries using the new Instagram Stories import source. Galleries will automatically stay in sync with stories you post on Instagram, and once you import them into Galleries they won't disappear after 24 hours.

Gleam Galleries featuring Instagram Story imports for a makeup brand Gleam Galleries featuring Instagram Story imports for a lifestyle brand

This feature is fantastic for repurposing content you post on Instagram Stories. You can easily import specific stories and build customised Galleries for showcasing your promotions, tutorials, reviews, customer testimonials and even micro-blog posts.

We've made some improvements to the Minimum Age field for you and your entrants. Previously, you had to select a minimum age & date format from one of our dropdown options. Now you can just enter the minimum age your campaign requires.

As for your entrants, we now automatically configure the Date of Birth field based on their region. You can now allow entrants to enter their date of birth in US or UK format with clearly defined day, month and year fields or have your entrants declare their age with a simple checkbox.

Update: Improvements to the User Details field in Gleam widget

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Multiple Prizes in Gleam Competitions

You can now setup multiple prizes in your Competition, giving you finer control over the winner drawing process if you have more than 1 prize in your campaign. You can choose to draw all winners at a go, or draw based on each prize tier.