December 31, 2021

Rewards Templates Available on the Gleam Website

You can now browse all the Gleam Rewards templates on our website.

Browse Gleam Competition Rewards on Our Website

November 15, 2021

Templates Library is Live on Our Website

You can now browse all the Gleam Competition templates on our website, including Quick Draws.

Browse Gleam Competition Templates on Our Website

September 30, 2021

How To Give Feedback

Grab some popcorn 🍿, because you've got front row seats to exciting new developments on our all-new design for the Gleam platform!

As you may know, we're in the very early stages of this new design. Here are some goals we wish to achieve with the new platform:

  • A personalised and consistent design that will make you smile 😊
  • Modernise the platform so we can respond to your needs lightning fast ⚡️
  • Repay some technical debt for decisions we made earlier 🤔

With these goals in mind, we hope that the BETA collaboration is mutually beneficial. This BETA program requires active participation from you:

  1. Check in regularly for new questionnaires to complete
  2. Provide honest & constructive feedback
  3. Actively run campaigns and try out our new features (like Quick Draws)

Plenty of what you see here is still a work in progress, as such we hope you refrain from taking screenshots and sharing publicly (e.g. posting on Twitter).

Over the coming weeks, we'll send you Typeform questionnaires which will focus on key areas of the app. Don't worry, the questions will be structured and we'll provide easy to follow instructions.

💡 Check your sidebar for new questionnaires

Occasionally, we may ask for 15 minutes from you to do user interviews.

Aside from scheduled surveys, you can always submit feedback, feature suggestions, or bug reports. Submit your queries using BETA Feedback on your Sidebar.

😇 Please remember we can't build everything for everyone, so try to avoid negative conversations like Why don't you support x anymore? or Why don't you integrate here yet?

To get frontline feedback from you, and to connect you with other #BETA members (who are founders & creators like yourself), we've set up a #BETA Discord Group to foster discussion.

You'll be able to speak with the Gleam team directly and be part of the development process. Other Gleam users will be there too if you need help exploring new use cases or how to get more out of Gleam.

September 29, 2021

What's New In BETA?

We know, our platform is due for a fresh coat of paint! This brand new design will guide us in building a more consistent UI & UX going forward. We've retained major workflows from the previous design, so you can still do things the same way as before, if not faster and easier.


The first thing you'll notice is the brand new Dashboard. From here, you can view basic information about your campaigns, plus browse our Templates & Guides sections to explore more ways to use Gleam.

New Sidebar

The freshly redesigned sidebar brings you some new navigation options:

  • Dashboard: A new consolidated page to access all the Gleam apps and learn more about the platform.
  • BETA Feedback: Bring up the Request a Feature or Report a Bug window.

A friendly widget has been added to the bottom right corner of your screen. This is a quick way for you to reach out to us if you have any queries or requests.

Feedback Center
Design Tab

When creating a new Competition, you'll notice that widget customisation options have been moved into a new Design tab.

Check out your widget's look & feel on the new preview pane we've added to the screen, plus set up your landing page styles before you publish your campaign. No more going back and forth, yay!

New Gleam Widget Styles

Last but not least, you'll find all new Modern and Dark styles for the Competitions widget!

The new design features rounded edges and revised spacing & hierarchy while retaining the colourful & playful appearance of the iconic Gleam widget.

And with a choice of light & dark styles, we think the refreshed Competitions widget will look good installed on any modern webpage.

We hope you enjoy the new look, and don't hesitate to let us know what you liked about this update!

September 28, 2021

Welcome Aboard Gleam BETA!

With your help, we're going to build the next generation of Gleam to help you connect with your leads & customers more effectively. Thank you for joining us in this exciting new chapter.

We encourage you to explore the new platform thoroughly, and reach out to us if you have any feedback, suggestions for new features & improvements.

Check updates to stay in touch with our new releases.

Connect with the team on our #BETA Discord Group or use our contact form.