October 23, 2019

Patreon Actions / Reddit Action Tracking

Our new Patreon actions allow you to award entries to users who:

  • Login to your campaign via Patreon
  • Visit your Patreon creator's page

Gleam also allows you to track if a user is already a patron when they enter.

Patreon Actions are available on the Hobby plan and above

Our Reddit visit action now allows you to check if a user is subscribed to your subreddit when they enter your campaign.

October 8, 2019

Hashtag/Word Filters For Instagram Imports

You can now filter Instagram @mention imports by #hashtags or words for:

Filter your Instagram @mention imports through hashtag or word filters

This means that you can filter imports so only posts that both @mention your Business and contain a specified #hashtag or word will be accepted into your Competition or Gallery.

Using Instagram @mention imports with #hashtag filters is the recomended approach to running hashtag campaigns on Instagram. This is because when you import media from users who @mention your Business you will be able to see their @username and a timestamp without having to click through to Instagram.

Instagram Comment Imports now allow you to filter comments by #hashtag or words.

Filter your Instagram comment imports through hashtag or word filters

With this feature you can filter imports so only comments that contain a specified #hashtag or word are accepted into your Competition. This is a great way to ensure that you are only accepting relevant, compliant comments into your campaigns.

September 18, 2019

Font Awesome Pro Icon Library Upgrades

We've upgraded our icon library to Fontawesome Pro across both the backend and widgets for Competitions & Rewards, this now gives you a library of 5000+ up to date icons to use in your campaigns.

Update: Improved FontAwesome Pro Icon library for Gleam

September 11, 2019

App Download Action Improvements

We've added an additional option to validate App Download actions onclick to help improve conversion rates inside in-app browsers.

Previously it would require the user to go back in the browser which isn't always possible inside certain circumstances.

August 16, 2019

Spotify Listen Action

You can now award entries to users who listen to designated tracks, albums or podcasts on Spotify with the Spotify Listen Action.

The Spotify Listen Action is available on the Pro plan and above