Drive Webinar & Event Registrations With Gleam

Find out how you can use Gleam to promote your webinars and events and drive registrations.

If you're hosting a webinar, seminar, conference, or any other type of event then you'll be trying to get as many people as you can to sign up and attend.

Sharing promotional messages through your various channels is effective to an extent, but if you really want to maximise registrations then you should consider running a more powerful type of promotional campaign.

With Gleam's awesome suite of apps you can create and customise a number of powerful promotional campaigns that will allow you to incentivise signups, reach a wider audience, drive powerful actions and ultimately increase registrations for your webinar or event.

In this guide we'll take you through the best ways you can drive webinar and event registration with Gleam.

One of the most effective ways to drive registrations is to run an online contest which gives users the chance to win a prize by completing various powerful actions that will help you grow your webinar or event.

With Gleam's powerful Competition's App you can easily run your own promotional contests that will drive actions including email signups, landing page visits, social media interaction, referrals and more.

Take a look at this demo we've put together to get an idea for what your own contest could look like with Gleam:

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The key to successfully promoting your webinar or event with contests is making sure that you're driving actions that align with your goals.

Here are some of the best actions you can drive with Gleam to promote your webinar or event and boost registrations:

Arguably the most powerful actions you can drive with a promotional contest are email sign-ups. Getting people to sign-up to your email list will allow you to open up direct communication with them which is the most effective way to promote your webinar or event and drive signups.

In the aftermath of your contest you should be using your freshly bolstered mailing list to send out promotional emails and even offer exclusive discounts if you're hosting a paid event.

GetResponse webinar invitation email

If your webinar is free you can even use the email subscribe action to incentivise users to instantly sign-up for your webinar. You can easily add entrants to a dedicated webinar list and send out notification emails and links to your webinar.

If you have a dedicated landing page that provides information, helps promote your webinar or event and lets users sign up for it then you can use our visit action to drive traffic to it from your contest.

Boosting your presence on social media is another goal contests and giveaways can help you reach. When you run your contest with Gleam you can easily drive an array of powerful social media actions including:

These actions can all help you grow your social following, drive engagement and reach a larger audience which puts you in a perfect position to promote your event or webinar to a massive engaged audience in the aftermath of your contest.

If you've made an awesome video promoting your webinar or event then you can use your contest to get more eyeballs on it. With our Vimeo and Wistia actions you can easily award entries to anyone who watches your video on these platforms.

Another great option is to play your promotional video from YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia as a feature video inside the contest widget.

Sharing positive reviews and testimonials from previous attendees is a fantastic way to build some buzz and get people excited about your upcoming event.

You can use your contest to get your hands on some valuable testimonials by using our Question action.

Contests are a great way to engage users, promote your webinar or event and drive hugely valuable actions, so it's important that you're exposing them to as many people as possible.

You can do this by promoting your contest through your social media, email blasts and onsite promotion, but there may not be anything you can do to put your contest in front of new people that will be as effective as incentivising social referrals.

Viral Share action for Gleam Competitions

With Gleam's powerful Viral Share action you can award bonus entries to users who get their own friends to enter your contest.

This is a brilliant way to expose your contest (and your webinar or event) to a huge new audience who you may have otherwise never been able to reach.

If people need to buy tickets to attend your webinar or event then offering up discounts to contest entrants can be an awesome way not only incentivise entry actions, but also make buying tickets more appealing.

You can do this by using Gleam's Coupon action to instantly give coupon codes to users who complete a designated number of actions, or by distributing coupons via your post entry emails.

To maximise the success of your contest you need to make entry as appealing as possible to users, and the best way to do this is by offering up an exciting prize.

The key to a good prize is offering up something that's valuable enough to make entry highly enticing, and relevant to your target audience so your contest will connect with users who are likely to take an interest in your event and want to attend.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Tickets to your event.
  • An experience from your event such as meeting or getting a free consultation from a speaker.
  • Subscriptions to products or services that are related to your event.
  • A prize bundle of products in your niche.

As we mentioned above, promotion is one of the most important aspects of running a contest.

You should make sure that you're announcing and regularly sharing your contest through all of your social media channels, and encouraging your audience to tag their friends or share the post to help you build exposure.

You should also send out promotional emails to your list and prominently feature your contest on your website.

And remember to use our Viral Share action to reach new users and give your campaign viral potential.

How To Promote Your Contest
Learn More About Contest Promotion

Check out our in depth guide for all the information you need on promoting your contest.

When you run your contest with Gleam you can easily run your contest on your own website. This is a great approach to take as it will allow you to easily drive traffic to your website with your contest. This will help you get your foot in the door and encourage users to check out the rest of your site.

Or if you don't want to set up a page for your giveaway you can easily run your contest on our stylish landing pages.

Custom hosted landing page for a Gleam campaign

Running a broad promotional contest like this is one of the most effective ways you can promote your webinar or event and drive registrations, but there are a bunch of other powerful campaigns you can use to grow your event. To check them all out just keep reading.

Run Your Own Awesome Contests
Run Your Own Contest

Start growing your webinar or event with your own powerful contests!

If you're hosting a free webinar or event then you should consider running simple contests where anyone who registers to attend automatically goes into the draw to win a prize. This is a brilliant way to directly incentivise registrations and encourage attendance.

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You can use your user details form to collect information from participants and then use Gleam's Subscribe action to drive registrations.

When you run this type of contest it's especially important to offer up a prize that is particularly relevant to people who will genuinely be interested in your event. Contests like this are fantastic for generating awareness, building excitement and encouraging people to register, but at the end of the day people won't attend unless they're genuinely interested.

A complementary event experience such as meet & greet or free consultation from a speaker or products and services that are highly targeted towards your niche make for the best prizes.

It can also be a good idea to announce winners during your webinar or event to help ensure that users who register are showing up.

When you run this type of contest it's a good idea to award extra entries to people who refer their friends or colleagues and get them to register. This is an outstanding way to reach a larger audience and maximise sign-ups.

A great way to drive attendance for your webinar or event is by offering up instant special rewards to anyone who registers with Gleam's powerful Rewards app.

You can use your user details form to collect information from participants and then use Gleam's Subscribe action to drive registrations and provide registrants with instant coupon codes that they can use to claim their reward.

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You can choose to give entrants a special coupon code, a download, or redirect them to a webpage containing their reward.

Some of the best things you can offer up as a reward are special perks at your event or discounts on any products or services you offer.

Unlike contests, No Purchase Necessary laws don't apply to Rewards campaigns because everyone who enters receives a reward with no element of luck or chance involved. Because of this you can freely run campaigns where people can buy a ticket to your webinar or event to get a reward.

The best way to set up this type of Rewards campaign is by using our Custom actions to ask users to provide you with a valid ticket number or order ID to claim their reward.

Run Your Own Rewards Campaign
Run Your Own Rewards Campaign

Start growing your webinar or event with powerful rewards campaigns!

If you're hosting a paid webinar or event then a great way to drive ticket sales and encourage users to take action is by running a campaign with Gleam's Rewards app where users can complete actions to get discounted tickets.

You can award discounts to users who:

You may want reward users for completing a single action or multiple, the choice is yours.

This type of campaign can be particularly effective if you're giving away early-bird discounts to build hype before tickets go live.

Another type of campaign you can run to help grow your webinar or event are post-signup contests that users can enter after they've registered. The easiest way to execute this type of contest is by embedding it on your post-signup page or providing registrants with a link to it in your confirmation emails.

Since this type of contest will be reaching people who have already registered for your event you should try to drive action that will help you expose your webinar to a broader audience. This includes Tweets, Retweets and LinkedIn shares.

It's also a good idea to use Gleam's Bonus actions to give an instant entry to everyone as a reward for registering for your event.

When you run this type of contest you should make a point of mentioning it while promoting your webinar or event so users know that by registering they'll have a chance to win an awesome prize.

Teaming up with a partner or sponsor to run a promotional campaign for your webinar or event is a great way to expose your contest to more people and promote your webinar or event to a wider audience.

When you run a partner campaign you can both embed the contest on your own sites and promote it through your own social channels. This will help you connect with more users and maximise participation in both your contest and your event.

If you already have any brands or people sponsoring or partnering with you for your webinar/event then you should absolutely make sure that you're both sharing the promotional load.

If you don't have a partner or sponsor for your webinar or event it can still be a good idea to partner up with influential people and brands to promote your contest. You can ask them to help promote your contest and webinar, and in exchange, you can give them designated actions in the campaign that will directly benefit them.

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Ahron Burstin

Ahron is a Growth Marketer at Gleam. Shoot him a Tweet if you got something out of this post ☺